Friday, August 28, 2009

Interviewing Tips

Interviewing tips

  • Learn as much as you can about the company beforehand—know its products and services, its profit margin, its management, its culture, its dress code, and anything else you can think of. Good sources are your career services center, a college or public library, and the Internet.
  • Do practice interviews with a career counselor, friends, and family members—or with yourself, in front of a mirror. Many career services centers offer workshops, mock interviews, or one-on-one coaching. Some even make videotapes of mock interviews.
  • Think about how your experience in work, classes, and activities can relate to the job you’re seeking.
  • Allow plenty of time to get to the interview and, if possible, visit the site in advance and time how long it takes to get there.
  • Plan your interview attire in advance and make sure your clothing is pressed, your shoes are shined, and your hair and nails are well groomed.
  • Bring extra copies of your resume and a list of references.
  • Speak slowly and clearly and don’t be afraid to pause for a moment to collect your thoughts.
  • Be honest. Don’t try to cover up mistakes. Instead, focus on how you learned from them.
  • Be assertive. Remember that the interview is a way for you to learn if the job is right for you.
  • Ask the interviewer for a business card and send a thank-you note or e-mail as soon as possible

How to make origami swan

Origami swan is also a part of the fascinating ancient art of Origami. Here we have assorted various steps to help you learn the art of making origami swan. You will definitely enjoy this form of art. Not only kids, even teens and adults enjoy this kind of art. If you feel, you have missed the chance of learning origami craft in your childhood, you are at the right place. Here we will make you learn this craft, so that our children don’t miss the chance of learning this exciting form of art and craft.

So, get ready with colored papers, scissors and excitement. Here are some steps to make you learn how to make origami swan.

1. Cut a square piece of paper.

2. Fold the sheet diagonally along the center.

3. Unfold the sheet and then fold the edges along the center crease.

4. Lift the opposite edge of the square and fold it to meet the folded edge at the center.

5. Turn the paper and fold one edge to the center crease and the other edge meeting the first fold.

6. Lift the pointed edge and fold it upwards.

7. Slightly lift the folded edge and fold the pointed tip downwards to form the head.

8. Fold the paper lengthwise along the center line.

9. Pull the neck away from the body.

10. Slightly pull the pointed tip from the head and extend the beak.

11. Squeeze the rest of body slightly.

12. Make sure to make the folds accurately to clearly distinguish the body parts of the swan.

13. And there you have your beautiful origami swan

10 tips calon suami yg baik

Mempunyai jodoh dengan seorang lelaki yang baik adalah idaman setiap wanita.
Manakala menjadi lelaki yang mempunyai sifat-sifat yang didambakan oleh wanita adalah idaman setiap lelaki.
Jadi, apa yang aku tulis di bawah ini adalah sesuai untuk lelaki dan juga wanita.
Jika anda seorang wanita, carilah lelaki yang mempunyai sifat-sifat ini.
Jika anda seorang lelaki, jadilah seorang lelaki yang mempunyai sifat-sifat ini.

10 sifat calon suami yang baik

  1. Kuat amalan agamanya. Menjaga solat fardhu, kerap berjemaah dan solat pada awal waktu. Auratnya juga sentiasa dipelihara dan memakai pakaian yang sopan. Sifat ini boleh dilihat terutama sewaktu bersukan.
  2. Akhlaknya baik, iaitu seorang yang nampak tegas, tetapi sebenarnya seorang yang lembut dan mudah bertolak ansur. Pertuturannya juga mesti sopan, melambangkan peribadi dan hatinya yang mulia.
  3. Tegas mempertahankan maruahnya. Tidak berkunjung ke tempat-tempat yang boleh menjatuhkan kredibilitinya.
  4. Amanah, tidak mengabaikan tugas yang diberikan dan tidak menyalahgunakan kuasa dan kedudukan.
  5. Tidak boros, tetapi tidak kedekut. Tahu membelanjakan wang dengan bijaksana.
  6. Menjaga mata dengan tidak melihat perempuan lain yang lalu lalang ketika sedang bercakap-cakap.
  7. Pergaulan yang terbatas, tidak mengamalkan cara hidup bebas walaupun dia tahu dirinya mampu berbuat demikian.
  8. Mempunyai rakan pergaulan yang baik. Rakan pergaulan seseorang itu biasanya sama.
  9. Bertanggungjawab. Lihatlah dia dengan keluarga dan ibu bapanya.
  10. Wajah yang tenang, tidak kira semasa bercakap atau membuat kerja atau masa kecemasan.


This is right time for me to tell a true story during completed my assignment task 1.When Sir Syzry gave us an assignment,I don't know how to completed my assignment because I don't brang along my laptop and the facilitates provided by college is not fully enough because the due date to submit an assignment 2 weeks later.But,after our classmate negotiate and discuss about the due date with sir and then sir agree that to submit all the assignment after mid-term breaks.Sir is a understanding person and tolerance.Thank you sir.We appreciate that.Now during to completing my assignment part 1 I have difficulty to find out pamphlet for scanner.I looked out for every place till I went to one computer shop area my house.i go there and i see the workers stick the pamphlet about printers and scanner.then I going to the shop and ask,"do you have pamphlet for printer and scanner?"the owner said "no.if you wanted it,go to their website."then I told him that I need the pamphlet for my assignment.then the owner gave it to me.I'm glad and thankful because finally I found it.Thank you to the owner of Asashi computer because understanding and kind hearted.I also wanted to say thank you to my friend (Sharifah) because accompany me to go to the computer shop.That's a story.If you are interested to know more about

my johnny..

now 6 years old..
it lazy k..luv eating,so dat dia gmuk..
ble da gmuk mls la jd nye..
iguana ni btina..
syg ngn iguana nie..
da lme je dye..
kalu jual ade bleh ceceh rm 3000..

both is my new sis gave name blusher n pupu..

both is not twin k..

play,sleep together..

can't separate..

luv my kittens..

this pix when they 2 months..

now they grows look like a wolf..



communications satellite

A communications satellite (sometimes abbreviated to SATCOM) is an artificial satellite stationed in space for the purposes of telecommunication. Modern communications satellites use a variety of orbits including geostationary orbits, Molniya orbits, other elliptical orbits and low (polar and non-polar) Earth orbits.
For fixed (point-to-point) services, communications satellites provide a microwave radio relay technology complementary to that of submarine communication cables. They are also used for mobile applications such as communications to ships, vehicles, planes and hand-held terminals, and for TV and radio broadcasting, for which application of other technologies, such as cable, is impractical or impossible.

Sunday, August 23, 2009


my blog almost done..
finally i found ideal background 4 my blog..
although my page look childish, i dun care bout it..

Friday, August 21, 2009

my first time create a blog

this is my first time for creating blog..
im not sure wether my blog can be use or not..
i just try..